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Searching the Azevedo Dictionary #1

Wagner Azevedo - Columnist

Dictionary writer, researcher, teacher, writer, poet, musician, composer, diagrammer, proofreader, speaker and columnist.

I want to thank the invitation of professor and researcher Ariele Rodrigues to participate in this Research and Education website with my original written chart on the dictionary Researching the Dictionary Azevedo. It is an honor and a pleasure to show all the entries researched by me. Many are unpublished. And by mentioning about it, I say that all my published dictionaries (ten so far) are unpublished in the Portuguese language. Hence the idea of calling it “Dicionario Azevedo”, in other words, unpublished dictionaries. The title is in the singular, but the semantics is about all my work.

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Feminejo – neologism, masculine noun formed by the fusion of parts of femi (nino) + (serta) nejo . Refers to the woman who speaks (in the lyrics of the song); the female “lyrical self”. (“ ' Feminejo ': contemporary country singers sing the desires of women: Marília Mendonça, Simone and Simaria, Maiara and Maraisa and Paula Mattos are some of the names that stand out in the movement.” Laynna Feitoza – – 12/18 /2016).


[Comment 1 – the country singer Marília Mendonça (1995-2021) was the first singer to give a female voice in the modern country song . Comment 2 – This Dictionary of 1000 Unpublished Expressions in the Portuguese Language of Brazil closed today for layout and, at around 3:30 pm, the firefighters were informed about an aircraft crashing into a river in rural Piedade de Caratinga (MG). The singer was on the aircraft and died in the accident (at 26). (“Marília Mendonça dies in a plane accident in the Serra da Caratinga, in Minas Gerais.” Regiane Oliveira – El País – 11/05/2021; Reinaldo Azevedo – “O é da Coisa.” In: Radio BandNews FM – 11/05/ /2021). Comment 3 – the singer was also mentioned by Caetano Veloso in her lyrics “Sem samba não da” on the album Meu coco (album of new songs after 9 years). Ex.: “... Mar(av)ília* Mendonça , tuning...”. The album was released on the night of October 21, 2021. (“In new music, Caetano Veloso quotes Marília Mendonça twice; understand why: Sertaneja appears as Mar(av)ília Mendonça in 'Sem Samba Não Dá' of the novo Bahia's album, Meu Coco .The artist from Bahia lamented the tragedy that killed Marília and four other people this Friday.” G1 BA – 10/05/2021].

*What Caetano Veloso did in Mar(av)ília is called “sandwiching”, according to professor Cláudio Cezar Henriques. “We didn't find examples in the Portuguese language of cases of “sandwiching”, as occurs with abso-bloody-lutely or fan-doggone-tastic , in English. In this process, a word is divided into two parts and an emphatic or ironic modalizer is added between them: scary-drugged-inducing, boring-teenagers would be equivalent forms, but still without productivity. The name can also be 'tmese'”. (HENRIQUES, Claudio Cezar. Stylistics and Discourse : productive studies on text and expressiveness. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2011, p. 104 [in the footnote]). In Mar(av)ília Caetano wanted to give two good meanings to the word: in addition to the anthroponym “Marília”, also “wonder”.   

“Sandwiching” is a neologism, a masculine noun formed from a sandwich. This, in turn, is from the toponym Sandwich , noble title of the 4th Earl of Sandwich in the south , England [British John Montagu – 1718-1792], who once spent 24 hours at a gaming table eating only two pieces of cold meat between two slices of toast. Hence the delicacy consisting generally of two slices of bread stuffed with some foods, such as meat, ham, pate, cheese, etc. )


The entry FEMINEJO is in my 10th unpublished dictionary, the Dictionary of 1000 Unpublished Expressions in the Portuguese Language of Brazil , published by Editora Moan. The books published by this Publisher can be read for free on the website Anyone who wants to purchase the physical book can order it with me with a dedication, or buy it at Amazon and other online bookstores: Travessa, Cultura, Americanas , Submarine etc.

Capa Dicionário de Vocábulos Populares.jpg

© 2021 All rights reserved to Wagner Azevedo Pereira.
(This text cannot be published in whole or in part, in any way or by any means, without the author's authorization – Subject to the penalties of Law No. 9,610/98).

Text Published: Dec 03/2021.
Author: Wagner Azevedo

*Content under the author's responsibility.

**This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of Portal Ariele Rodrigues.

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