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Employability and Professional Behavior #1

Paulo Panesi - Columnist

Management Professor, Speaker, Writer and Master's Student in Regional Development and Productive Systems (CEFET/RJ). Specialist in Logistics, Marketing and Human Resources More than 30 years of experience in leadership, in companies such as Xerox do Brasil, Polaroide, Benedict Tachem Verlag do Brasil, FAME, etc. More than 8 years as coordinator of management courses and young apprentice at SENAC. In the educational area, he worked at SENAC, SENAI, UNIGRANRIO, Simonsen, Catholic University of Petrópolis and Fundação Bradesco. It has 11 published books, 3 of which are technical books in the area of Logistics and Human Resources.

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Curriculum the terror of every candidate.
How to make an attractive resume?

Be welcome.

My name is Paulo Panesi and we are going to talk about Employability and Professional Behavior.

The terror of all those looking for a job opportunity waiting for an interview is the CV. How can this tool become attractive? What does it take to have a resume that makes the recruiter read and call for an interview? Sorry to inform you, but there is no magic formula to ensure that whoever holds the vacancy will call the resume owner for an interview. However, there are little things you can do to increase this probability:

  1. Keep everything that will be presented on a single sheet of paper. No recruiter has time to read pages and pages of resumes. Remember you are not writing a book;

  2. Use a different paper. Another weight or texture, a color other than white;

  3. Be objective and make sure your resume fits the job profile;

  4. Put your name at the top of the page, below your address, telephone, emails, etc.;

  5. Below, clearly state the area that seeks your objective (eg: logistics area, nursing area, etc.);

  6. Then put your training. Always of the most recent and most important for the following (ex.: Doctorate in..., Master's in..., Postgraduate-graduated in..., Graduated in..., Technological graduation in..., Technician in..., High School..., Elementary School...). Always enter the year of ending and the institution;

  7. Continue with your qualifications. What differentiates you from other candidates. It's time to show your competitive edge (easiness in working as a team, entrepreneur, commitment, etc.);

  8. Language: If you speak any language. If you only speak your native language, put native Portuguese;

  9. Put below your professional experiences, your achievements (I increased sales by 20% in a period of 1 year, I increased the number of active clients by 20% from one year to another, etc.);

  10. Now is the time to put in those few-hour courses that most don't think are important (Leadership Course 20h, Problem Solving Course 30h, etc). Always enter the year of ending, the institution and how many hours it had;

  11. The time has come to place the companies you have worked for. Always from newest to oldest. Put the name of the company, the month and year it started and ended, always with the positions held;

  12. Never post a photo unless the recruit requires it, as well as salary claim. Always choose to put “to match”. However, if it is mandatory, search the world wide web before placing it neither above nor below what is practiced in the market.

Below is a sample curriculum:

© 2021 All rights reserved to Paulo Panesi.
(This text cannot be published in whole or in part, in any way or by any means, without the author's authorization – Subject to the penalties of Law No. 9,610/98).

Text Published: Dec 03/2021.
Author: Paulo Panesi

*Content under the author's responsibility.

**This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of Portal Ariele Rodrigues.

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